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A reflective report: transgender and transsexual case studies

A reflective report: transgend...

As a follow-up to our call for transgender cases, we have decided to write a short reflect...

Research Placement

Research Placement

Alejandra Proano graduated from the University of Essex with an M.A. in Jungian and post-Jungian Studies. She ...

Call for transgender cases

Call for transgender cases

Currently, the research team for the Single Case Archive is working hard on its expansion,...

A publication on the case study inquiry

A publication on the case stud...

Published in 2015, “Case Studies and the Dissemination of Knowledge” is a book...

Research placement

Research placement

Greta Kaluzeviciute joins the SCA-team from January until July 2016 in order to moderate and help the expansio...

The Annuals of the IJP

The Annuals of the IJP

Our paper ‘A metasynthesis of published case studies through Lacan’s L-sc...